CQ WPX SSB: So far W4MYA is the highest claimed M/M USA score on the 3830 site! Way to go folks! Thanks again to the many new members who helped out!

Club Awards:
The CVCC offers awards for: 1) The most new Band-Countries (BC) in a year and 2) The best percentage increase in needed BC in a year. This is “amnesty month” for submitting your BC totals as of 12/31/01, in order to be eligible for this year’s award. Check out the info at my web site: http://www.qsl.net/w4tnx and go to the CVCC DXTOTALS link.

Club Elections:
The slate of officers nominated at last month’s meeting was unanimously voted into office tonight. The new club officers are: W4DR (Bob) President, N4ZJ (Tom) Sec., W4NM (AJ) Treas. Bob has made it clear that he can only serve one term. Also, let me make it clear that I am happy that Bob can serve at least one term!

After elections, the meeting was turned over to W4DR. The two main topics discussed were:

May Picnic : W4HJ (AC) has offered his cousin’s nice place on the James River for our picnic. The date is 5/11/02 at 3PM. AC will be involved with a Masonic Lodge Fund raiser earlier in the day making BBQ chicken plates. We have had a very generous offer from one of our new members to do a “double-whammy” (name withheld to protect the generous!) and subsidize the CVCC picnic with the BBQ plates from AC’s Lodge. Members would still bring the stuff we normally do, like snacks, salads, deserts, etc. to share and also their own beverages. Our benefactor just needs to have an accurate “head count”. Please advise W4DR early, if you are attending!

Field Day : W4MYA has offered to do a Field Day operation from his place. Folks interested should get in touch with Bob.

After the picnic and field day discussions, Paul
gave us an update on K4JA upcoming projects.
The one that caught the most attention was his
80 meter beam at 140+ feet, 66’ boom, etc.
Lots of stuff on the planning board in CaIIao,

the end of the evening, we voted to return to the City Buffet next month.

2) For those wanting to order a PVRC name badge, contact Dave, WR3L.

For those wanting to order QSL cards, an
order is usually taken in the September time frame, watch the newsletter for details.

Dan, K3SKE, volunteered to take orders for
PVRC shirts. Watch the newsletter and the
PVRC e-mail for an official announcement.

5) From ARRL, N4MM reported that the P5 operation on SSB has been OK for DXCC. The DXCC turn around processing is now about one week.

6) From CQ, W3ZZ, Gene, mentioned that if you enter a CQ contest and claim that you were a single operator, unassisted; you better not have used packet! The CQ contest committee is catching the cheaters. All the logs received that weren’t in digital format have been typed in, and the typist isn’t responsible if a call, report, etc. was typed wrong.

Highlights from going around the table:

LZ3SM, Svetly, was the guest of W2YE, Dick.
Svetly was the second op at Dick’s in CO WPX.
Some contest call that Svetly has
used/operated from are: LZ1 KDP, LZ5Z, and

W3EKT, Ed, wife is progress well from her surgery and was out riding the lawnmower this week.

N4MM, John, has sold his WV site and the last tower will be taken down this coming weekend.

W6NRJ, Jim, thanked K3ZO,Fred, for typing his CQ log. Fred mentioned that when you start a new page you are supposed to continue with the next one-up number, not back up about 6 or 7 numbers and resend them.

K3SKE, Dan, said the A in the new WWV format is the sunspot number.

N3VOP, Mike, passed his code test and made his goal of 100 Qs in the WPX contest. Congratulations Mike. Mike has been a frequent op with WX3B and the Carroll County Region, as well as a single op in VHF contests.
Some bragged they had the P5 in the log while
others moaned that they haven’t worked it yet.

The May 21st meeting, again, will be at the City Buffet, 1 306 W. Patrick Street, Frederick, MD (301) 682-6066. It is behind Ruby Tuesdays, in a small shopping center. From W. Patrick Street, turn up McCain Dr., the Mountain View Dinner is on the corner of W Patrick St. and McCain Dr., and then turn right into the shopping center. As most everyone can attest to, it was hard to find the first time.

The NW Region meetings are on the third Tuesday of the month. Most arrive about 6PM for dinner and informal discussions, the meeting begins at 7:15 PM.


The Over the Hill Group monthly luncheon was held at the Holiday Inn at the junction of the beltway and Route 1 at noon on 1 7 April 2002. Those attending were K3ZO Fred Laun, W3ABC Hugh Turnbull, K3WX Tony Faiola, W6AXX Howard Leake, K7PD Andrew Hawkins, W3ZZ Gene Zimmerman, W3AZ Bill Leavitt, W3GN Larry Fadner, W3CB Cliff Bedore, W3CP Jim Headrick, AA4XU Ben Shaver, W2BZR Bobert Lutz, and K3RO Ron Basso, a visitor. Welcome aboard Ron. There were many QSO’s on different subjects going on at the same time making the QRM level quit high. A good demostration of PVRC operator’s SSB operating ability in those pile ups..


I ran a DXCC card-checking session at booth 34 of the Timonium Hamfest/ARRL State Convention from 8AM - 3PM Saturday, April 6. Even though no longer required by the ARRL contest rules, we had a PVRC sign-in sheet available, along with displaying the brand new PVRC banner recently delivered to the club by PVRC Treasurer WR3L.

The following signed in: ND3F, W3BE, N3WKE, N4MM, W3FQE, WOYR, K3DSP, N3YUG, W3ABC, K3KY, W3GG, WB4FDT, W3OU, W3LPL, N4GG, K3VQ, W8ZA, KT3D, K3LP, K3UG, WAOQII, and W3IKE. It appeared that a good time was had by all. Respectfully submitted,
The NW region met at City Buffet in Frederick,
MD on 1 6 April 2002. In attendance were:
K3IXD, K800L, W6NRJ, N4MM, WD3A,
NE3H, W3KHZ, K2PLF, and K3MM.

For the business part of the meeting:

1) Thanks to K3SKE for finding a replacement tocation for our meeting, the City Buffet, a Chinese buffet restaurant. The Paradise Grill is closed for remodeling. The food was good and plentiful, they seated us in a remote area, and gave us separate checks. As you can guess at
K3WC, Dusty, happily announced that he has his 920 back after 2 years and is looking forward to some 6m openings.

K3MM, Tyler, is scheduled to be a co-speaker on SO2R in RTTY contests at Dayton.

K3IXD, Ed, missed several contest because of vacations.

Several attendees mentioned that they had limited time to operate in the WPX SSB contest so they tried the suggestion of operating early Sunday morning. They agreed it was a very good hint.
LARC/PVRC report by Pud Reaver, W3VD

The Laurel Regional PVRC held its quarterly meeting Wednesday evening, April 24, in conjunction with the monthly club meeting. Members attending were: N3OC/Brian, president PVRC; W3BE/John Johnston; K3HDM/HD; KA8YPY/Dan (newly elected president of the FAR); WI3N/Jim (pres/LARC); KT3DiDennis; N3XL/Bill; W3DAD/Kevin; N7PD/Andy; N3TZA/Joe; and W3YD/Pud...obviously we were overwhelmed by presidents that night!

After a short LARC business meeting, we had a great PVRC meeting: Brian gave us a “state of